


Help us deliver empowering aid to minds, bodies, and souls, and become our partner in healing and hope.

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Vision africa ministries, inc.

PO Box 600008

Dallas, Texas


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Please contact Cindy Woods at with the name of the stock and number of shares that you wish to donate BEFORE making the transfer. We do not receive donor names in the transfer process, so this is the only way we can identify your gift and send you proper documentation and our heartfelt thanks.


CHURCHES PLANTED in communities in need


BIBLES PRESENTED TO pastors and congregations

Why You Should Donate to Vision Africa

Imagine standing in a village in rural Africa, where children eagerly gather around, not for play, but for the chance to learn, something they don’t take for granted. These children aren’t just faces in a crowd; they are the future, waiting for someone to believe in them and give them the tools they need to build a better life. Your donation to Vision Africa is that belief in action.

Bringing Dreams to Life

At Vision Africa, we’re not just talking about aid but the transformation of lives. The Agnes Onuoha Memorial Hospital began as a dream and is now a beacon of hope to countless mothers, infants, and families in need of critical care. The hospital, which opened on March 22, 2024, has 50 beds and is more than bricks and mortar; it’s a promise that was kept saving lives and making the future brighter for those in dire need. Your donation turns these dreams into realities, knowing that your generosity helped build something that will stand  the test of time and serve many generations to come.

A Legacy That Speaks Volumes

Vision Africa has been at the forefront of making a difference for over 25 years.  But it’s not just about the years; it’s about the millions of lives touched by initiatives like our radio ministry. Love 104.1 FM is not your typical radio station, it’s the heartbeat of communities across Nigeria. Broadcasting faith, education, and health, it reaches people where they are, in their own language, with the messages they need to hear. Picture a family huddled around their radio, finding solace and guidance in a world that can often feel overwhelming. Your support helps keep that connection alive.

The Power of Remembering the Forgotten

There’s something profoundly moving about reaching out to those who feel invisible—orphans, widows, prisoners. Vision Africa doesn’t just offer help; we offer dignity. We see the faces that others might overlook, and we say, “You matter.” Think about that for a moment. Your donation could be the reason an orphan feels valued, a widow feels seen, or a prisoner finds hope in a second chance. It’s about more than just meeting needs; it’s about recognizing the humanity in everyone.

Trusting Your Contribution

When you donate to Vision Africa, you’re doing more than giving money—you’re placing your trust in an organization that’s committed to making every dollar count. We’re governed by people who believe in transparency and stewardship. Your generosity isn’t just funding projects, but changing lives, in ways both big and small. That’s the power of trust, and it’s something we take seriously.

Educating Tomorrow’s Leaders

Education is more than books and classrooms; it’s the key to unlocking potential. Vision Africa’s leadership programs are about more than just teaching—they’re about inspiring. Young women, once uncertain of their place in the world are now standing tall as leaders in each of their communities. Your generosity is the spark that lights that fire, giving young people the tools they need to create change, not just for themselves, but for their entire communities.

A Voice for the Voiceless

In areas where access to information is limited, Vision Africa’s radio station, Love 104.1 FM, is a lifeline. It’s more than just a source of news; it’s a source of hope. Broadcasting 24/7, this station connects people to the world beyond their village, offering not just information, but inspiration. Imagine the impact of hearing a message of hope when you need it most. That’s what your donation supports—a voice for the voiceless.

Answering a Higher Call

Vision Africa was born out of a vision—one that called us to do more than just offer aid, but to be the hands and feet of God in a world that desperately needs His love. When you donate, you’re joining us in that mission. You’re not just giving; you’re answering a call that resonates deep within all of us—a call to be part of something greater, something that transcends borders and changes lives.

The Ripple Effect of Your Generosity

Every act of generosity sends out ripples that touch lives in ways we can’t always predict. Your donation could be the reason a child goes to school instead of fetching water, the reason a young girl can face the day with confidence, or the reason a sick person gets the care they need. These are the real, tangible outcomes of your generosity—outcomes that ripple out to touch entire communities, bringing hope and change where it’s needed most.

Be the Change You Want to See

Donating to Vision Africa is more than an act of charity; it’s an investment in a future filled with hope and possibility. It’s a chance to be part of something that aligns with your deepest values—a mission to serve, heal, and uplift. Your generosity today can create lasting change for tomorrow, not just for one person, but for an entire community.

Will you join us in making a difference? Vision Africa invites you to be part of this incredible journey. Together, we can create a legacy of transformation that will endure for generations to come.